学 术 讲 座 预 告
题目:Optimized Implementation of a General Secret Sharing
报告人:Harn Lein教授,美国密苏里-堪萨斯城(UMKC)大学终身教授
题目:Research Methodology
报告人:Harn Lein教授,美国密苏里-堪萨斯城(UMKC)大学终身教授
Harn Lein教授是计算机信息安全及密码学领域资深的国际知名专家,在计算机领域的国际顶级期刊如IEEE Trans on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. On Information Theory等,及计算机领域的顶级会议如CRYPTO, IEEE INFOCOM等刊出多篇高档次的学术论文。
Harn Lein教授潜心于学术研究,在密码学特别是秘密共享领域做出卓越的学术贡献,发表学术论文170余篇,其中SCI收录81篇,总引用次数达3722次,H索引高达34,单篇引用次数最高达386次;近5年发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI论文29篇(已收录21篇)、第一作者SCI论文15篇(已收录12篇),总引用次数达1447次,H索引达21。
(1) Title: Optimized Implementation of a General Secret Sharing (for audiences with security background)
Secret sharing is one of most popular cryptographic tools which has been proposed originally in 1979. Shamir’s threshold secret sharing is the most popular scheme in the literature. But, Shamir’s scheme has a special secret access structure in which (a) any t (i.e., the “threshold”) or more than t shareholders can recover the secret and (b) fewer than t shareholders cannot recover the secret. A general secret sharing has more general secret access structure in which (a) any “qualified subset” of shareholders can recover the secret and (b) any “unqualified subset” of shareholders cannot recover the secret. Most papers on general secret sharing in literature contain only theoretical discussion. In this talk, I will introduce my recent paper to propose a complete implementation of a general secret sharing. We use Boolean logic to characterize a general secret access structure and derive the minimal positive secret access and the maximal negative secret access subsets. Then, we use these two subsets to determine parameters to implement a general secret sharing. Our design enables to select optimized parameters and is a general design.